A Virtual Experience Technoshamanism Experience

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RePangeia is a VR multiplayer experience exposed at Museum of Tomorrow, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


In the experience the players are in an ethereal environment that appears to be damaged, they are then guided by a virtual shaman through a dance ritual to restore the health of the environment they’re in and unite the distant lands into one, referring the ancient super continent Pangaea.


The players main source of input are their physical hands, represented as magical energy hands in the game, and they can use it to interact with other players and with the environment.


RePangeia is also the first accessible VR experience exposed at Museum of Tomorrow, and it counts with an audio descriptive mode for people with vision limitations and a sign language mode for people with hearing limitations.


Ficha Técnica


Repangeia 3065

Técnica: Realidade Virtual, Escaneamento 3D, Nuvem de Pontos, Som Ambisonics, Partículas e Unity 3D.



Clelio de Paula – Concepção, Design de Experiência,  Registro, Som e Narrativa

Jordy Henry –  Game Designer

Vitoria Cribb –  Level Design

Anapuaka Tupinambá –  Consultoria Indígena

Weena Tikuna – Modelo (Shaman)

Daniel –  Sound Recordings

Marcela Sabino –  Producer

Contribuíram –  Anapuaka Tupinambá

Realização –  WeSense – Tech & Art, Museu do Amanhã

Patrocínio –  Intel

Data –  2019

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